FAZ, 03. Jul 2014

Giving advertising some space

How to make an automobile float in midair

Stella Folgner (Clara-Schumann-Gymnasium, Bonn)
Kieler Nachrichten, 27. Dec 2013

A new kind of advertising: The company Realeyes, based in Kiel, is developping a display for the presentation of three-dimensional projections

Kiel. You feel the urge to walk up to it and touch it. The bottle of champagne juts out 1 meter into the room. But it’s only a projection: The Realeyes company has developed a display that magically creates astounding three-dimensional images for the viewers, who don’t even have to wear glasses to experience it. To date, only this Kiel-based company has made this technology commercially viable worldwide – the launch of a new kind of advertising.

Niko Rönnfeldt
invidis — Digital Signage und Digital-Out-of-Home, 17. Jul 2013

Mercedes starts 3D campaign at three German airports

17th July 2013 – Top client Mercedes-Benz advertises on 3D hologram posters from Realeyes: Invidis.de gives a summary of the 12 months from the first prototypes at Düsseldorf Airport up to the successful launch

Thomas Kletschke
m+a report, 25. Apr 2011

3-D display without glasses

Following their success at Euroshop 2011, it was difficult to see which of the two managing dirctors of Realeyes, Philipp von Trotha or Felix von Laffert, was beaming most widely. The technology developed by von Laffert makes it possible to view 3-D displays without technical aids, creating new forms of customer pitches. The 3-D displays are equally suitable for use in advertising, exhibition construction and shopfitting, as well as in architecture or museums. The startup from Kiel is the only company so far to have developted this product to market maturity. The objects depicted extend by up to a metre from the screen, so that viewers feel they can touch them.
Realistic changes of perspective are possible with the 3-D images. With a 40° viewing angle and 30,000 calculated image views the perspective changes when the viewers takes a few steps in a different direction. Hidden details shift into sihgt – regardless of the ambient light conditions. The displays owe this astounding effect to a patented process. For a display 250,000 micro linses, each the size of match head, create the complete image, but from a marginally different angle. This way a two-dimensional image is transformed into a three-dimensional presentation. ch

Der Handel, 11. Apr 2011


3D without the need for glasses

The start-up company from Kiel, Realeyes, has introduced the first three-dimensional display screen, which works without the need for 3D glasses and irrespective of the ambient lighting conditions. The displayed objects seem to stand out one meter from the screen.
“Thanks to a 40 degree viewing angle and 30,000 image views, the perspective changes when the viewer takes a few steps to either side or crouches down”, explains Managing Director Philipp von Trotha. The screens each measure 1m2 and can be combined accordingly for larger surfaces.

Wirtschaftsland Schleswig-Holstein, 29. Mar 2011

The perfect illusion

Images with magical depth effect. A school of colorful fish, swimming towards the viewer in the room. In the background, a coral reef with fabulous color intensity. Clear blue water. Those who come a little bit closer, almost can’t help wanting immerse themselves in this magical underwater world. However, those who do try to grab a fish remain empty-handed. A wonderful effect, which makes the viewer ask: How is that possible?

Rieke Beckwermert
WERBETECHNIK, 01. Mar 2011

In the depth of the light box

The light boxes from Realeyes depict three-dimensional images – thanks to photographic technology and microlenses.

Verena Gründel gruendel@wnp.de
Fraunhofer Institute for Physical Measurement Techniques IPM – Annual Report, 25. Feb 2011

3D without the need for glasses Images with depth effect

Optical microtechnology

Dr. Dominik Giel, Fraunhofer Institute for Physical Measurement Techniques IPM
Mittelständische Beteiligungsgesellschaft Schleswig-Holstein GmbH (MBG) – Annual Report, 25. Jan 2011


The idea of producing a 3D display, whose effect can be experienced without requiring 3D glasses, is not entirely new. As early as 1908 the physicist and Nobel prize winner Gabriel Lippmann described the possibility of taking 3D photographs with the help of lenticular lenses, which are combined with a film.

Georg Banner MBG Schleswig-Holstein, personal account manager of REALEYES
Werben & Verkaufen, 19. Jan 2011

The emergence of new worlds of experience

Three-dimensional placards, fallen angels, living walls: Out of home is heading towards exciting new times and new technologies starting to be used for OOH advertising. A glimpse into the near future.

Anja von Fraunberg, medien@wuv.de